We'd seen a lot of hype about the Victory Center and were hoping it would compare to the Jamestown Settlement so we clicked on the "Directions" link and started to drive-to right where we already were! We double and triple checked and I finally decided to look for the actual address which I then punched in to the GPS and we were finally on our way.
The place is impressive but wasn't open. In fact, we found they were only just getting ready to open in the following weeks and allowed us to walk down the hall past exhibits in progress, to the outside where there were several interesting interactive exhibits which were available. It was nice to see school children touring and seeming excited and just because we are weird we had Phoenix pose with George Washington. She looks about as thrilled as if she was a teenage human!
According to the schedule a demonstration of farming in colonial days was coming up and since I am a gardener, especially of herbs and vegetables, that's where we went. The interpreter was very good and explained the various uses, both medical and gastronomical of the plants being grown. The common - parlsey, sage, rosemary and thyme, and potatoes and carrots, grew along with clary sage (used as an eye wash), soapwort (its name reveals its use-it lathers up and makes a gentle soap) and costmary (used as a laxative.) He had a few "tableaux" of 18th century cooking and eating utensils as well and if the "Wows" and the "Hmmms" were any clue the entire group felt it worthwhile.
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From there we passed the end of a "Putting up food" demonstration
and down to a demonstration of the various codes and techniques used by spies.

But, it was closing time and I had found out about a microbrewery I wanted to visit. Having discovered I like beer, at least the ones that come from small breweries AND because this place was "just down the road" from the campground I prevailed upon Don and we stopped by the Alewerks Brewing Company. I did not know they had a tour, and the bartender did not know we had not done it until we paid, BUT the samples were all good and I left with a six pack of their Redmarker Ale. And in my world that is about 6 weeks of beer since I might have one a week.
It was back to the campground where we would gawp at a 45 ft motorhome with marble floors and all sorts of bells and whistles but it wasn't our taste and we retired to what had already become home...and Cadbury who was very eager to go outside and "investigate."
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